Measuring Your Flow: The Amount of Water in Pipes

Measuring Your Flow: The Amount of Water in Pipes

Increasing competition for water resources has made water conservation a priority. Measuring the flow rate of water is the first step to good water management and can also be very important when installing lawn sprinklers.

The easiest way to measure flow rate is with a flow rate meter. However, if one is not available, there are ways to measure the cubic feet per second (cfs) flowing through your pipes by using formulas or tanks and stopwatches.

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How to Measure Your Flow (Amount of Water in Pipes)

Vacuum System Troubleshooting

Understand the causes of common problems and how to address them.

When the desired vacuum condition isn’t provided at a process plant, production often comes to a halt and all eyes become focused on the vacuum pump as the root cause of the problem. However, the vacuum pump usually isn’t culprit. In almost all cases, either: 1) the pump is being operated in a condition for which it never was intended, 2) one or more of the user’s interface points with the pump (suction/discharge lines, water supply, process contaminant, etc.) are being operated outside of design parameters, or 3) the vacuum chamber or vacuum lines were improperly specified. Each vacuum pumping technology will react differently to various conditions, so it’s not possible to offer a “one size fits all” answer to the problem. The following is a guide to systematically identifying the root cause of the most common problems and correcting them based on general vacuum system recommendations as well as technology-specific issues.

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How to Read a Pump Performance Curve

There are multiple ways to select an industrial pump and multiple styles of centrifugal pumps to choose from. The primary selection tool is called a pump curve. Being able to read and understand a pump curve is frankly an essential skill if you’re someone who needs to select a pump for a specific application and you want to ensure that that your pump enjoys a long service life operating at maximal efficiency.

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Simplify the Equipment Selection Process

When the pump selection process starts, the required flow of the is often the only known variable for an application. For example, a system must move 2, 000 gallons per minute (gpm) from a holding tank to another tank or process. The size and pressure of the piping and the power of the motor must also be determined.

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How to protect pump integrity in the mining sector

Centrifugal process pumps used in critical mining applications have downtime and safety implications. Jacques Visser of Morgan Advanced Materials examines the various technologies available for ensuring pump integrity, safety and performance through the use of modern materials and designs. Centrifugal pumps are widely utilised in the mining industry, primarily for the removal of slurry as well as for other tasks such as water removal.